» Curriculum Lattes


Graduated in Psychology from FFCLRP USP in 1973, Master in Educational Fundaments from the Federal University of São Carlos in 1980 and PhD in 1986 at the Institute of Psychology-USP in Experimental Psychology. Full Professor in 1994, in the Department of Psychology and Education at FFCLRP-USP in the area of ​​Health Institutions where he is a tenured Professor since August 2006. CNPq 1C Researcher, coordinates the Research Group on Psychosocial Aspects of Work in Health since 1998. FAPESP researcher since 1986.Accredited Professor of the Mental Health Graduate Program of the Faculty of Medicine of Ribeirão Preto-USP, between 1992 and 2002, when he was responsible for the discipline RSM 7111 “Work, alienation and mental health” and the module “Construction of subjective scales” in the discipline ” Research instrumentation methods in mental health” offered by Professor Dr. Cláudio Roberto Carvalho Rodrigues. During his activities with this program mentored five Master”s and two doctoral dissertations. Since 1993 works in the Psychology Graduate Program of FFCLRP-USP where ten Master”s and ten Doctoral dissertations have been completed. Since 1996 Coordinates extension projects in the Psychosocial Care Program for AIDS of FMRP-USP Clinical Hospital, conducting research, extension and graduation in psychology besides activities in primary care in Family Health Strategy Centers. In over 34 years of academic activities with the Department of Psychology and Education at FFCLRP-USP, has always sought to bring together scientific research and community extension, aiming to create an active posture focused on community health in the education of students.